Distance Reiki Healing - Receive Reiki from wherever you are!
Did you know it is possible to receive Reiki from a distance? Kim will be sending Reiki by facebook live, and you join or go about your day while receiving from wherever you are! If you would like to receive Reiki, but are not local or are very busy, then this is for you!

Event Details Below
Offered 1st Monday of the month, 10/7
Distance Reiki
Receive Reiki from a distance! Reiki can be sent to anyone, anywhere! Kim will send the Reiki by Facebook live at www.facebook.com/acenteredself  You can join the live, or watch it later while you go about your day at work, running errands or doing other things while Kim sends the Reiki to you!  You will have the opportunity to let Kim know what you want the reiki to help you with when you register. Kim will be sending Reiki to you with your intentions.Â
How does distance Reiki work? Think of a cell phone. The phones do not need to be in physical proximity of one another for people to talk or send messages. They use electromagnetic waves to send the messages. Similarly, Reiki practitioners do not need to be in the physical proximity of the recipient. Kim will use Reiki protocol to send Reiki to the recipient. Everything is energy, and this is why sending Reiki actually works! Our bodies cells will receive the energy no matter what we are doing in that moment. Kim will be concentrating on each person's intention while sending the Reiki.
Kim will post on facebook Monday morning what time the Live Reiki send will occur.
Date: First Monday of the month - next send is on 10/719
Cost: $10
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Distance Reiki
Distance Reiki
$10.00Sale ended