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Receive Mediumship Readings From Developing Mediums

Do you feel the need to hear from your loved ones in Spirit? Are you curious about readings and are willing to work with a developing medium? Join us the 4th Wed 7:45pm monthly and support our mediums while you enjoy a reading!

Receive Mediumship Readings From Developing Mediums
Receive Mediumship Readings From Developing Mediums

Event Details Below

4/26 7:45pm EST



A Mediumship reading is receiving a communication from your loved ones in Spirit. The purpose of mediumship is to give you an opportunity to feel connected with those you miss and to receive evidence there is life after death. Your loved ones are only a thought away! They are aware of your life and often give evidence of current things happening with you! 

What to expect:

You will receive readings from mediums who are in training and then we will gather again as a group for questions and also to provide feedback. This is a great opportunity for you to deepen your understanding about mediumship and the World of Spirit. 

The mediums can not guarantee which loved ones they will bring through in the readings. All of your loved ones will be there, and who comes through depends upon the medium's ability to connect with them. The mediums are multi-level in their abilities and are still learning.  Psychic mediumship is a skill which is taught and practiced for many years to strengthen the ability to bring through evidence. Evidence examples are relationship, personality, profession, items, home descriptions, physical ailments and memories, to name a few.

The mediums are learning evidential mediumship, which means much of the reading will be evidence and memories from your loved one. Messages are woven within the evidence presented. The strength of the readings you receive will vary as the mediums are all in different stages of their learning. If you are in deep grief, please email Kim at prior to attending a circle to determine if this will be right for you.

You will receive specific instructions and guidelines to ensure readings are conducted ethically and so you will know what to expect during a reading. Practice will be in breakout rooms where you will either be alone or with other sitters and with 1 or more mediums. This depends upon the ratio of mediums to sitters that month.


4th Wednesday each month


4th Wed: 7:45 - 8:30pm EST



Next Circles:




All on Zoom.

*No refunds.

Choose Quantity

  • Mediumship Readings

    • $11.11



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