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Illuminate Your Intuition Recorded Workshop

Do you ever have a gut feeling or knowing that you can't explain? Do you sometimes ignore your intuition because you are unsure and don't trust it? Then this workshop is for you!

Illuminate Your Intuition Recorded Workshop
Illuminate Your Intuition Recorded Workshop

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Recording of previous live event



Have you ever had a feeling in your gut, or a thought, a knowing, that didn't seem like it came from your own mind? 

When this occurs, are you sometimes unsure whether to trust it? Does it get confused with all of the noise inside your mind?

This is your intuition. It is your superpower filled with wisdom and guidance for you. It speaks softly, and can be drowned out by the mind. 

Imagine if learning that you are wonder woman, filled with powers that you are not tapping into.... This is what you are doing when you ignore or are unsure about your intuition, you are leaving your own superpowers unused.

Do you want to use your intuition to guide you through life, your business decisions and help your clients? Your intuition is waiting for you to discover and better understand it. This is the most important resource in…

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