Have you ever felt you were swinging from the safety of the familiar, fearful of your next unknown destiny? Monkeys swing freely from branch to branch, without thought or fear, knowing they will reach their destiny without error. But for us, it is different. We believe we must time this motion perfectly with speed and agility. Will the next branch hold us as perfectly as the one we are on now? Will it crack and fall? Will the next tree provide us with the perfect mix of sun and shade? Will we land too high up unable to climb back down? What if we just swung freely like the monkey? Perhaps this is how we are meant to do it. No fear. All freedom.
As we evolve, transitional periods can feel like this. We are piling on the next responsibilities before letting go while we are reaching forward into the unknown. It’s a leap of faith. Like swinging to the next branch with our eyes closed. At any moment we could be falling to the ground.
What gets you through these times? Is its encouraging words from others? Is it a knowing from deep inside you are meant to do this? Perhaps you see signs that tell you “go ahead”, or maybe it is a burning desire to do this no matter what it takes.
Where do you think all of this encouragement comes from? Everyone has their own answer to this. The logical person may believe because it is “right” or “makes sense”. The spiritual person may believe the universe is lining everything up for them to make this next step possible, trusting all will be ok. Some of us can’t do it at all. We stay frozen on that first branch, too fearful of what can go wrong - not trusting logic or the universe.
This is the person I once was. I lived my life needing everything lined up perfectly for the next step. That branch I was reaching for had to be closer than my arm span and super strong! Otherwise, I just couldn’t do it. My fear of something going wrong was my guide. With fear as my guide, my own transformations were slow. The funny thing is, I always believed in the support from spirit, but doubt was woven in and this doubt was my stop sign.
So, what have I done with my doubt and fear? (See tip below) Well, they still hold some power. When I get caught up in it, I feel stressed and worried. But during the times I let it go - that is when I feel my best. These are the times I make good decisions, move forward and feel strong. Experiencing times of swinging freely from branch to branch is helping me release my fear and doubt. It’s like positive reinforcement. If something fells better, why not try it?
I hope over time I fully live in a place of trust. It’s a much calmer and more joyful place. We all know people like this. They teach us the power of the blind swing. They teach us the power of the source that is always there to ensure we land on the branch that is meant for us. The branch that holds the lessons created for each of us individually; our own perfect paths.

I highly recommend this book, Outrageous Openness: Letting the Divine Take the Lead, by Tosha Silver.
This book is a gathering of many vignettes about people trusting what is to come. Tosha shows us how to give our worries and fears to the universe to resolve. Her words are empowering! This is a wonderful book to keep on your nightstand and read one of her short chapters each day for positive reinforcement and encouragement. Enjoy!